[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers 2.3 RC3 Release

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Feb 16 16:37:08 EST 2007

The OpenLayers Development Team is proud to announce the release of OpenLayers 2.3 RC3. 
OpenLayers 2.3 is a maintenance release, incorporating a number of minor bugfixes to the 
OpenLayers 2.2 release.

Fixes in this RC include: 
 * Improvements to the OverviewMap control.
 * A fix for a longstanding bug where tiles are drawn outside the  maxExtent of the 
   map (Thanks to Bill Woodall)
 * Added functionality to allow setting of multiple layers via WMS following the specification, 
   using array syntax for layer list. (With information from Keith Pomakis)
 * Some armoring and protection of the WMS Untiled layer and other layers on destroy().
 * A fix to panning in an odd sized viewport.

To test 2.3 in your applications, include the following tag in your
OpenLayers-powered page:

<script src="http://openlayers.org/api/2.3-rc3/OpenLayers.js"></script>

Bug reports can be filed in Trac, under the 2.3-rc3 version and 
the 2.3 milestone.

We look forward to your feedback!

The OpenLayers Team 

Christopher Schmidt

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