[OpenLayers-Dev] [OSM-dev] openstreetmap,
openlayers and overlays
Richard Duivenvoorde
rdmailings at duif.net
Thu Jul 5 15:14:30 EDT 2007
Hi List,
I'm trying to show data from two sources:
- a TMS layer showing data from the openstreetmap project
- a postgis layer with points in the netherlands from geonames.org
showing those points on an combined google layer and postgis layer looks
But after combining TMS and postgis, it looks like there is some
projection error: see:
I cannot show the live example because of different postgis database
versions... But the javascriptcode is in:
Those points are epsg:4326. Transformed in postgis to 41001 (mercator)
for more details see:
and info from the openstreetmap list below.
I thought of some projection error, but Artem proposed to make a
kml-file and show it in a googlemap-app with combined
google/openstreetmap tiles (as he says: google and openstreetmap share
the same tile schema.
Doing that looks fine (thought I cannot show more then about 100 points
in google ???): both google and streetmap align ok here, and the
(latlon/5326 points are on the right places):
So my questions:
- has somebody been successfull in combining Openstreetmap-tiles and
(projected) other features?
- or a TMS layer with some other layers?
- any other clue for shifting besides projection errors?
Richard Duivenvoorde
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi Artem,
> ok, tried that:
> http://www.duif.net/googlemapnik.php
> looks better (although google seems to have a problem with the kml-file
> I generated by hand: not all 470 points are shown? I looks fine in
> GoogleEarth though).
> Will try to make another kml file, and add smaller icons and maybe
> contact OL.
> Richard
> Artem Pavlenko wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> On 5 Jul 2007, at 09:55, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I've an OpenLayers page, on which I show the OpenStreetmap (using source
>>> of www.openstreetmap.org <http://www.openstreetmap.org>).
>>> I downloaded form geonames.org some points and stuffed them in Postgis
>>> (latlon: 4326). I then used Postgis transform to reproject those points
>>> to 51001 / 41001 (aka using proj string:
>>> <41001> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
>>> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs no_defs <>
>>> )
>>> Showing those points as overlay on a googlemap seems fine:
>>> http://www.duif.net/GoogleGeonames.jpg
>>> But putting them on OSM they seem shifted (or map is shifted?):
>>> http://www.duif.net/OpenStreetsGeonames.jpg
>>> (the big dot in the middle are supposed to be in the city of Amsterdam)
>> Hmm... both OpenStreetMap and Google are using the same tile schema. You
>> can see this on : http://media.mapnik.org/oxford-osm.html (just pan/zoom
>> to Amsterdam) and they overlap correctly.
>> I suspect OL is doing something different for TMS and Google layers. You
>> can try exporting KML from postgis and overlay it on top of OSM, using
>> GMap interface. If that works you should post to OL list.
>> Cheers
>> Artem
>>> My question:
>>> - do I do something stupid here?
>>> - does anybody else succeeded in putting custom (latlon) points as
>>> overlay on openstreetmap?
>>> - has somebody some viable explanation for the shift? (at this moment I
>>> cannot put this stuff on the live server, but if neccessary I will do
>>> that).
>>> TIA
>>> Richard
>>> ps if you think this questions belong on the userlist: let me know, I
>>> just thought here was more interest and knowledge about these kind of
>>> stuff
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>> Artem Pavlenko
>> http://mapnik.org
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