[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers + IONIC RedSpider Enterprise

Jeff Yutzler jeff.yutzler at ionicenterprise.com
Tue Jul 31 16:44:42 EDT 2007

We at Ionic Enterprise have been working on an OpenLayers based client 
that is builds on top of our RedSpider Enterprise product.  A 
demonstration version of this application can be found here:


By combining the power of OpenLayers 2.4, RedSpider Enterprise 3.4.1, 
and some custom code we can do a number of things that the OpenLayers 
2.4 relase can not do on its own.  With this application, the user can:

    * load and save OGC Web Map Contexts
    * reorder layers on the fly
    * access WFS via the web application side (not browser side).  This
          o no need for proxying to access non-local services
          o WFS layers can be rendered as images in addition to as SVG
            (note that IONIC WFSs are also WMSs and rendering them as
            WMS is faster than rendering them as WFS)
          o WFS layers with enumerations will show dropdown lists of
            their values
    * use OGC filters to bring in a subset of the features from a WFS
    * create or select WFS features
          o view and update the attributes
          o digitize and/or edit
            point/line/polygon/multipoint/multiline/multipolygon with
            inner rings
    * We also have a demonstration of working with WMS with the temporal
      dimension, but due to resources constraints, we can not leave the
      live demonstration up 24/7.

There is a lot going on with this application so it might not be 
completely intuitive at first.  You can use the GetFeatureInfo tool to 
figure out what lies beneath a point or bounding box on the map.  From 
there you can select a feature if there are any.  You can also use the 
select tool to select a feature directly.  Once a feature is selected, 
you can view and update its attributes.  Play around with the "BUSINESS" 
WFS layer or add your own WFS.  When digitizing a geometry, you have to 
start an edit with the "New" button and stop the edit with the little 
checkmark icon.  If just editing a geometry after selecting it, just 
drag the vertices into place.  If any change has been made, you should 
be able to submit the edit, updating the WFS and forcing the layer to 
refresh.  I am using a boring base map, but you can add your own.  You 
can even add a WFS layer as a basemap, though that would be weird.

I do not know how the OpenLayers decisionmakers feel about posting web 
applications so largely based on non-OpenLayers technology on the demos 
page, but it is my personal opinion is that demonstrating the use of 
OpenLayers as a user interface for a proprietary application is a good 
thing for all involved.  We are also interested in submitting our 
modified geometry editing code back to the project, but our recent 
acquisition by Leica is slowing down the participant agreement process.

I hope some of you find this interesting.

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