[OpenLayers-Dev] IE

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Tue Jun 5 07:02:49 EDT 2007

thanks a lot, again, Lance, your is the first debugger help to WMSManager.

I feel that the solution should be trivial, I just have to pass through 
my emotional wall against IE and try some solutions.
Nobody wants 80kb more than what we already have to just to do a better 
parsing for IE.
The behavior is just like (IE in first person): sometimes I have a good 
feeling with this  XML sometime I don't.
In the second case:

var text = ajaxRequest.responseText;
var xml = OpenLayers.parseXMLString(text);
if(typeof xml=='object'){
    IE enters but the object is empty
    xml.getElementsByTagName('whatever') = return no items

I'm trying to find the system to let IE digest this XML.


Lance Dyas wrote:
> Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
>> Hope somebody can help me solving IE XML parsing problem 
>> (WMSManager.js line 862) and Safari select issue (WMSManager.js line 
>> 674).
>> Otherwise I'll go on "crying alone"
>> :-)   
> The true horror of it is. IE has very poor xml parsing...in specific 
> NameSpaces and
> Character Encodings are munged...and while there is "XML for <Script>" 
> a javascript
> library which can for the most part by pass it.. well it adds a 
> minimum of 80kb to your
> solution and over the web... that is quite a cost

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