[OpenLayers-Dev] finally fed up with jsdoc

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jun 18 17:34:55 EDT 2007


I think this is a great idea.  I assume you've done it in python :)   
Can you give a brief description of what it is about the OL code that  
it uses - i.e. is it just the particular prototype-style of  
declaration or is it something specific in the comments that is  
formatted in a particular way that it relies on.  I think that we  
should document and enforce a comment style guide to ensure that this  
requires minimal maintenance in the future.



On 17-Jun-07, at 12:03 AM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> I finally got fed up with JSDoc today. It's now segfaulting even with
> the lower recursion depth on the regexes, which means that the only  
> way
> to get anything out of it is to set it up so we get practically  
> nothing
> out of it.
> So, I sat down and wrote out something that replaces a significant  
> chunk
> of the jsdoc functionality we were using. The code right now is
> super-crappy, but it seems like our code is well structured enough  
> that
> this isn't going to be a horribly hard task.
> You can see the current output at:
> http://crschmidt.net/~crschmidt/out/
> Some examples:
>  http://crschmidt.net/~crschmidt/out/OpenLayers/Map.html#theme
>  http://crschmidt.net/~crschmidt/out/OpenLayers/ 
> Layer.html#getViewPortPxFromLonLat
> etc.
> Note that changing to this solution is no longer an option of 'if',  
> but
> 'when'. Despite lots of time and effort put into babying jsdoc, we  
> have
> simply grown past a point where it is viable, and huge chunks of our
> documentation simply aren't covered by the jsdoc parser.
> If someone wants to hack on jsdoc to try to fix these issues, they  
> can feel
> free, but I'm not hopeful that we'll get a resolution of this that  
> way,
> which is why I'm pursuing the new solution, which I at least  
> understand
> the *reasons* it breaks, when it does.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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