[OpenLayers-Dev] hidden control objects

Eric Lemoine Eric.Lemoine at camptocamp.com
Sun Mar 4 13:24:42 EST 2007

On 3/4/07, Eric Lemoine <Eric.Lemoine at camptocamp.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have one problem with the vector branch, which has nothing to do
> with the branch code per se.
> When using the single file library my controls (LayerSwitcher and
> PanBar) are hidden behing my WMS base layer. I know they're there
> because I can still use them, assuming I'm lucky enough to actually
> click on them. The problem exists only on the single file library.
> Does anyone have an idea where this could come from? I'd like to debug
> it, but doesn't know where to start from?

Replying to myself here:

I'd actually forgotten to copy the "img" dir along with the
OpenLayers.js file. I guess the "theme" and "art" must be copied over
as well...



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