[OpenLayers-Dev] Layers into Groups

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Fri Oct 19 16:09:05 EDT 2007

Hi Olivier,

> May be we should improve this solution to permit a tree view as I've 
> seen in the demo of Armïn
I think too we shoud choose something all together and try to use 
osgeo-standards mailing list to make lobby and help OGC to go in a good 
As we are dealing with OGC standards, why don't we use the solution 
already used by WMS?

well, it's a bit I'm not revisioning the specs but should be something 
like this:
    <title>my group of level 1</title>

       <title> my group of layer 2</title>



olivier.terral wrote:
> Ola,
> Sorry , I think it's  Vincent Schut who did that but I 've often 
> manipulated  Group layers .
> I don't know what is it specified in OWS spec but I know  what is done 
> in Mapbuilder.
> We have choosen to add <Group> in an Extension tag because the spec was 
> not clear with groups and the Extension tag permits to add everything we 
> want  (that's I've understood).
> All groups are specified inside the  General/Extension tags :
>   <ViewContext>
>            <General>
>         <Extension>
>             <GroupList>
>                 <Group name="groupe1" folded="1"/>
>                 <Group name="groupe2" folded="1"/>
>             </GroupList>
>         </Extension>
> </General>
> and if a Layer is a member of a Group, it's specified in its extension 
> tag like said Steven
> <Layer queryable="1" hidden="0">
> 			<Server service="wms" version="1.1.1" title="geo-demo15">
> 			<OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="/geoserver/wms?" />
> 			</Server>
> 			<Name>geom:rivers_mercator</Name>
> 			<Title>Rivières,fleuves</Title>
> 			<SRS>EPSG:3395</SRS>
> 			<StyleList>
> 				.
> 				.
> 				.
> 			</StyleList>
> 			<FormatList>
> 				<Format current="1">image/png</Format>
> 			</FormatList>
> 			<Extension>
> 				<Group name="groupe2" />
> 			</Extension>
> </Layer>
> But actually, this way of define groups is very limited because there is 
> only one level possible.
> May be we should improve this solution to permit a tree view as I've 
> seen in the demo of Armïn
> http://rips-uis.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/rips/wms_viewer/test/myOpenLayer.php
> Gertjan van Oosten a écrit :
>> As quoted from "Steven M. Ottens" <steven at minst.net>:
>>> The mapbuilder code uses
>>> //wmc:ResourceList/wmc:Layer[wmc:Extension/wmc:Group/@name=$GroupName]
>>> So this means that it selects the layers which have a group-extension.
>> The grouping thing is only supported in the OWSContext spec I believe
>> (not in the WMC).  The future of the OWSContext spec is unclear to me, BTW.
>>> I believe the structure is hierarchical, so using group/layer approach 
>>> should be consistent with the OWS spec.
>>> But I'm not the real expert, I though gertjan did the grouping code, but 
>>> could be wrong.
>> I don't think I did that, I seem to recall Olivier (Cc'ed) did that?
>> Regards,
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