[OpenLayers-Dev] NavToolbar control

jonz jonathan.zaid at mediolanum.it
Fri Sep 14 09:45:22 EDT 2007

Yes, I had seen the navtoolbar example and the behaviour is as I would like. 
Unfortunately, and I couldn't figure out why, that's not exactly what
happens with my map.

click on dragZoom
click again on dragZoom
Zooms in one level

I  debugged it, and caught the "mouseup" event coming from drag.js was
causing the zoom. This same type of thing does NOT occur with navtoolbar

To answer your question briefly, yes, I am doing something different (in the
implementation) than you are, and surely that is the source of the problems.

I created the toolbar by hand myself. I've been commissioned to "use" a
toolbar which is made with a series of div's and images, and so instead of
using the toolbar from OpenLayers, I just threw the toolbar into the map div
and added links to the controls. so.. I have something like this as far as
html goes.
<div id="map" style="width:400; height:400">
  <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; z-index: 10001;">
    <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">
       <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 65px;">
              <nobr> dragON.jpg </nobr>

dragZoomChange is:

function dragZoomChange(img)
  var name = img.src.replace(/.*\//,'').replace(/.jpg/,'');
  var newsrc = img.src.replace(/(.*\/)(.*$)/,'$1');
  if (name == 'dragON')
    map.events.registerPriority("mouseup", this, this.mouseup);
    newsrc = newsrc + "drag.jpg";
    map.events.unregister("mouseup", this, this.mouseup);
    newsrc = newsrc + "dragON.jpg";
 img.src = newsrc;

P.S: Thanks so much for being so active in the forum.


Christopher Schmidt-4 wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 05:05:25AM -0700, jonz wrote:
>> Hi Christopher,
>> I was running into the same sort of thing, and basically it's sort of
>> impossibile to deactivate the zoombox without causing a zoom seeing as
>> the
>> mouseup goes thru to the map.. 
> So, I look at: 
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/navtoolbar.html
> I click the second tool, to activate it. No Zoom.
> I click the tool again. No zoom. 
> I drag a box around spain. Zoom.
> I drag a box such that my mouse is over the navcontrol, and let go.
> Zoom.
> This is the behavior I expect.
> It sounds like you're doing something differently than I am: I'm not
> sure what it is. If the behavior described above is not what you get,
> then we have a different problem we should discuss -- but if the above
> is the behavior you get, then the only thing to discuss is why it isn't
> what you want :)
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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