[OpenLayers-Dev] [OpenLayers-PSC] [John.Fagan@microsoft.com:
RE: MultiMap API Changes with regard to OpenLayers]
Erik Uzureau
euzuro at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 02:23:49 EDT 2008
Curious... has anyone followed up on this?
cleaning out my inbox,
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Christopher Schmidt
<crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded message from John Fagan <John.Fagan at microsoft.com> -----
> From: John Fagan <John.Fagan at microsoft.com>
> To: Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com>
> Cc: Julian Skeels <jskeels at microsoft.com>
> Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 16:21:30 +0100
> Subject: RE: MultiMap API Changes with regard to OpenLayers
> Chris -
> We deprecated v1.1, which caused this problem. I think an email would have went out to our primary Metacarta contacts:
> David Beddoe
> Erika Keirstead
> Apologies if you did not receive an email regarding this. Easiest solution is for you to signup for a new OpenAPI account, would that be ok?
> http://www.multimap.com/openapi/
> Cheers, john.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schmidt [mailto:crschmidt at metacarta.com]
> Sent: 30 July 2008 15:18
> To: Julian Skeels; John Fagan
> Subject: MultiMap API Changes with regard to OpenLayers
> Gentlemen,
> (I apologize if this is directed to the wrong place: your email was
> given to me by someone knowledgable about MultiMap as possibly having
> some information about my problem. Please feel free to redirect as
> appropriate.)
> My name is Christopher Schmidt. I am a developer for the OpenLayers
> project, an open source mapping framework. One of the key differences
> between OpenLayers and other mapping interfaces is the ability to load
> base layers from many different map providers. Since early versions of
> our software, MultiMap has been included in this list.
> About two weeks ago, the script that is used in our examples to load the
> MultiMap API stopped working: specifically, we use the URL
> http://clients.multimap.com/API/maps/1.1/metacarta_04
> which now appears to be returning no content.
> As I understand it, this API URL was originally given to us as part of
> some discussion between MetaCarta and MultiMap in the early days of
> OpenLayers; I'm not sure if there is something we need to do to continue
> this relationship, or if some other change resulted in this behavior.
> (MetaCarta is a long-standing supporter of development on the OpenLayers
> library.)
> Unfortunately, none of the current OpenLayers developers are active
> MultiMap customers: as a result, we do not have any access to API
> information, so far as I can see. (A quick search of the website turned
> up only a sales email and telephone number to call.) This means that if
> something has changed internally, we aren't aware of it, and don't have
> any way to find out about it that I can find.
> I'm hoping that you might be able to enlighten us on how we can obtain a
> working API URL, such that we can continue to develop and demonstrate
> the usage of MultiMap's great maps within OpenLayers for our users who
> may be MultiMap customers. I'm hopeful that this is simply some lack of
> communication on our part (which I apologize for) that we can quickly
> resolve.
> I look forward to your response.
> Regards,
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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