[OpenLayers-Dev] Google layer and div resize: wrong config or bug?

Diego Guidi diegoguidi at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 17:01:46 EST 2008

> You can easily test a simple thing. With a single layer in your map,
> you can try to pan the map just after resizing an ExtJS region. You'll
> see that the map behavior is weird. The map moves more than expected.

True. This happens, but this could be fixed with a zoomin/zoomout.
The google "bug" it's not recoverable :(

> In MapFish we combine ExtJS and OL, and we often use layouts.
> To prevent the issue you expose here, we created a widget that simply
> calls map.updateSize() and this seems to go pretty well.
Could you help me?
How to bind a resize event (like a splitter movement) and call map.getUpdate()?

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