[OpenLayers-Dev] who broke the tests?

Erik Uzureau euzuro at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 19:41:25 EST 2008

I don't have the energy right now to go svn blame-ing but
I'm running tests for a patch I made, and I'm getting this:

test_Projection.html: fail 1 ok 0 (detailed: fail 0 ok 9)

test_01_Projection_constructor planned 7 assertions but got 9; fail 0 ok 9
ok new OpenLayers.Projection returns object
ok The proj code is maintained
ok The proj code is maintained.
ok Null units with no proj4js library.
ok constructor sets options correctly
ok Null transform has no effect
ok Null transform has no effect
ok equals on null projection returns false
ok equals on null projection object returns false (doesn't call getCode)

can we please be sure to run tests before we check stuff in?

also, running tests  in ie6, I'm getting an error in the GML Layer.
Again, no time to debug, but I believe it's something related to the
destroy() chain, because

a) I'm not seeing it in FF
b) if I step over the offending line with vis studio debugger, it's ok
and all the tests are passing

that's all from me this afternoon.

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