[OpenLayers-Dev] WFS-T support for GetCapabilities andDescribeFeatureType

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Mon Jun 30 06:02:28 EDT 2008


wrt the first issue you mention, see:


I don't think it is a good idea for OpenLayers to by default use
GetCapabilities and DescribeFeatureType responses. The application
developer should have enough hooks available to include this when
necessary. And that is currently the case IMHO.

Btw, I've written a basic DescribeFeatureType parser if you need it:


Best regards,

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:49:59 +0200, Kristian Thy <thy at 42.dk> wrote:
> Hi list
> We are working on integrating an OpenLayers client with a WFS-T service
> running on GeoServer. We have run into issues concerning the typeName
> attribute of the wfs:Transaction node. It seems to be hardcoded to use
> "feature". Before delving into fixing this, we thought: Why is OL not
> using the GetCapabilities and DescribeFeatureType requests on the WFS
> layer to read stuff like type name or attributes (to use in
> updating/inserting features)?
> Would the load on the browser increase markedly by parsing these
> documents for metadata discovery?
> Finally, I seem to recall talk of TOPP or someone else working on
> improving WFS-T support in OL. Does anybody know of concerted efforts
> being made in this area; we are averse to reinventing the wheel, so
> would of course like to talk to anybody working on the same issues.
> \\kristian

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