[OpenLayers-Dev] new OpenLayers map viewer with custom components I´d like to share

Juan G juangon at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 08:18:17 EDT 2008

Dear OpenLayers developers:

First of all, I´d like to congratulate all of you for this great job making
this fantastic tool.

Second, sorry about my poor english :-( .

I am an spanish developer who have been developing some OpenLayers custom
components, and I would like to share my work with you.

I am working for an spanish organization (Confederación Hidrográfica del
Duero), which is responsible of the good management and health of a big
spanish-portuguese river named "Duero" and all of its afluents. You can see
the viewer at this URL:


I was responsible of starting the development of the map viewer, and I
suggested using OpenLayers. Finally the Team Leader accepted my suggestion
and we started the viewer from OpenLayers source code (the version deployed
now is from SVN downloaded 5 days ago more less).

I encountered some minor problems, mainly because of the project
requirements (most of them were appearance stuff). I  solved this by putting
everything in CSS classes (or id´s). For example, I changed the built-in
images from LayerSwitcher for making them CSS-dependant not <img> dependant
(hard work here).

Some other important changes I had to do was changing some layerSwitcher
behaviour (like not to refresh map after click in one layer, only refresh it
by when clicking in a custom "dmaUpdateMap" Control. Another change in
LayerSwitcher was putting some "experimental" layers group checkBox and move
and drop layer button I could pick from some one in the OpenLayers sandbox
(can´t remember now who was! :-( ).

Other big change here was a custom Identify Feature Control, by adding to
the LayerSwitcher an option button to select one layer to identify feature

I am not an expert in javascript, so I hope you could examine the code I
made and change it for future versions of OpenLayers if you think it's worth

All the custom components where "copied and pasted" and changed, so I think
you could dig into it without problems. The custom components are all in the
directory "/js/customDMAOpenlayers".

If you have any question, please tell it to me.

Thanks for this fantastic work!

Greetings from Spain

Juan G
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