[OpenLayers-Dev] vector-behavior review

Sebastian Benthall seb at openplans.org
Fri May 30 14:09:50 EDT 2008

Talked with Eric about this and thought it looked good.

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org> wrote:

> Hey-
> Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> tschaub, sbenthall, could you review the changesets
>> <http://trac.openlayers.org/changeset/7261> and
>> <http://trac.openlayers.org/changeset/7266>. They basically involve
>> creating the spatial filter in the BBOX strategy instead of in the WFS
>> protocol (as discussed on IRC). The WFS protocol just adds its own
>> specific bits in the filter before it passes it to the filter format.
>> I wanted to test this change using the v2-bbox-wfs-gml.html example
>> but that example does not work for me. If you think the changesets are
>> ok and work for you, either merge them into vector-behavior or ask me
>> to do it. Thanks guys,
> Sounds like a decent solution.  Though I think you intended to spell
> "setProperty" as "setPropertyName" instead.
> http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/sandbox/camptocamp/unhcr/lib/OpenLayers/Protocol/WFS/v1_0_0.js#L275
> I guess it's worth asking what other protocol will be serializing a filter
> using the filter format?
> The bbox array is a handy representation of a bbox for anybody who is not
> going to be writing an ogc:Filter element.
> Seb (copied), any opinions?
> Tim
>> PS sbenthall: I wanted to send you this in private but I don't have
>> your email address.
>> --
>> Eric
>> !DSPAM:4033,483698b377726491211187!
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