[OpenLayers-Dev] PSC Vote on Sponsorship Doc

Erik Uzureau euzuro at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 19:39:30 EST 2008

The last thing I want to do in the world is to slow this process down any
more than it has already been slowed, but I just gave this doc another full
read over and I saw this:

 Platinum sponsors may also have their logo placed directly on the
    OpenLayers home page.

...which I don't think I'd seen before. Maybe I just didn't process it. Is
everyone else aware of this?

I think that logo-exposure might be a touchy subject, just want everyone to
be clear if we're signing off on it.

Regardless of the above, I'm a +1

Thanks for getting out the vote, Barack!^h^h^h^h^h^h^hTim!


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org> wrote:

> Hey-
> So, motivated by the OSGeo Project Sponsorship program, Chris did a
> great job of putting together a document that describes the potential
> sponsorship opportunities with OpenLayers.
> http://svn.openlayers.org/project/sponsorship/sponsoring
> This document describes a few things:
> 1) our intent to seek sponsorship via the OSGeo Project Sponsorship
> program;
> 2) high level goals for use of sponsorship funds; and
> 3) details on uses, benefits, and the process.
> John has raised questions about having the OSGeo manage our sponsorship
> program versus having some other entity manage the program.  I think we
> have agreed to treat this question separately - to entertain suggestions
> on alternative methods of managing the sponsorship program after we
> agree on the core goals.
> I would like to call a vote specifically on the document linked above.
> The issue we're voting on looks something like this:
> If we agree to pursue sponsorship for OpenLayers via the OSGeo Project
> Sponsorship program, the PSC believes that the sponsorship document
> referenced [1] adequately describes the goals, intended uses, and
> potential benefits of project sponsorship.
> Thanks for voting.
> My vote is +1.
> Tim
> [1] http://svn.openlayers.org/project/sponsorship/sponsoring
> Doc history http://trac.openlayers.org/log/project/sponsorship/sponsoring
> --
> Tim Schaub
> OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
> Expert service straight from the developers.
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