[OpenLayers-Dev] docs.openlayers.org

Jacolin yjacolin at free.fr
Sun Nov 16 11:44:22 EST 2008

Le samedi 15 novembre 2008, Christopher Schmidt a écrit :
> On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 07:56:25PM +0100, Yves Jacolin (free) wrote:
> Your [1] above is the wrong link... not sure which doc you mean. If you
> mean http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/GettingHelp/ForeignLanguageSupport
> , then I should bring this up with the OL dev list and get a general
> feedback before we publish it too widely,but I'm happy to have you
> translate it at
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/GettingHelp/ForeignLanguageSupport/fr --
> I've deleted the text I had there before because it was terribly out of
> date :) I'm not sure if a 'call to translate' is best managed through
> that wikipage (which was originally written targeted towards people who
> *don't* know OpenLayers) or perhaps a different wiki page with "how to
> help the project if you don't code." Perhaps a somewhat less
> technical/more social version of
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/HowToContribute is in order talking
> about our documentation efforts; or maybe just an update/expansion of
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Documentation .

Yes you are right :$ wrong link but you find the correct one. So I am waiting 
that you finalized it and will try to translate the HowToContribute into 

> I'm interested in getting more of the existing OpenLayers documentation
> into SVN -- I was looking at some of your docs earlier and realizing
> that some of them seem more complete than what we have in English.
> Do you think you could share a summary of what you've got so far, and
> maybe suggest how we integrate this into OpenLayers SVN?
> Regards,

What do you think to move it into svn and translate it into english? I will be 
happy to do it!

If you agreed, I will propose something to structure the docs and the wiki 
(just a proposition). I have some tradeshow and important meeting for the end 
of the month so it will take some time, may be in december. I have to write a 
case studies as well for OpenLayers as I tell you at the FOSS4G.


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