[OpenLayers-Dev] three

Tim Schaub tschaub at opengeo.org
Thu Oct 16 17:33:39 EDT 2008


So instead of continuing to casually drop ideas for OpenLayers 3.0, I've 
started to wiki them.

Doing a 3.0 release will be a huge amount of work - and I don't have any 
illusions about how long it will take to get done.  In addition, I don't 
want to be misinterpreted as wanting to throw away any of the hard work 
that many people have put a lot of energy into.  The 2.7 release is a 
tremendous piece of software, and I imagine we will actively develop on 
it for a while.  That said, I want to be able to talk openly about ideas 
for the library that are not backwards compatible.

So, I've created a wiki place to organize these ideas [1].  Nothing 
earth shattering, just some initial thoughts.  Basically, I'd like to 
focus on developing a library that is smaller, faster, and has a cleaner 
separation between UI and core functionality.

If others have ideas, please contribute to the existing pages or add 
additional pages named like the ones there (name a wiki page three/foo 
and it will be listed on the main page).

Interested to hear thoughts from others.

[1] http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/three

Tim Schaub
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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