[OpenLayers-Dev] Format GML 3 issue?
Tim Schaub
tschaub at opengeo.org
Mon Jan 4 17:14:07 EST 2010
Julien Jeudy wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a doubt on a GML 3 OpenLayers format issue (from a WFS 1.1.0).
> In GML there are two ways to list polygons points:
I wrote the GML 3 parser based on the GML Simple Features Profile.
Quoting from OGC® 06-049r1 a):
in all cases, geometry coordinates shall only be specified using the
gml:pos for gml:Point or gml:posList elements for all other types
Our parser references the schema:
That defines LinearRingType with posList only.
I know we are generally good about being "liberal in what we accept,"
but I also like that the parser doesn't account for all the complex
legacy of GML.
I'd be curious to hear if your server can be coerced to follow the
simple features profile. This is generally safer as there are many
things that we don't currently support outside the simple features profile.
As suggested there, I'd like to hear exactly what we want to support
before adding too many conditions to this parser (and I think it would
be better to have subclasses targeted at specific versions/profiles).
> 1. a unique posList element: the following geom is correctly transform from
> GML3 to OpenLayers geometry
> <gml:surfaceMember><gml:Polygon><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>-
> 8427711.443672495 4658480.583807316 -8428116.646618983 4671596.358484082
> -8429661.427192722 4697373.995504196 -8432776.70314257 .
> 2. a list of pos elements: But this geom is not correctly transform
> <gml:Surface
> srsName="EPSG:900913"><gml:patches><gml:PolygonPatch><gml:exterior><gml:Line
> arRing srsName="EPSG:900913">
> <gml:pos>3944245.09999984 3978948.409156078</gml:pos>
> <gml:pos>3944282.8999998407 3978974.7107042107</gml:pos> .
> I think it's due to this part of code (from trunk -
> OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3.js). Because on each iteration of gml pos the
> points array is erased.
> "pos": function(node, obj) {
> var str = this.getChildValue(node).replace(
> this.regExes.trimSpace, ""
> );
> var coords = str.split(this.regExes.splitSpace);
> var point;
> if(this.xy) {
> point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
> coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]
> );
> } else {
> point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
> coords[1], coords[0], coords[2]
> );
> }
> obj.points = [point];
> },
> Does anyone know whether the GML is not conform or if it's possible to
> propose a patch?
> If it's not a GML conformity issue, I think that the following patch can
> solve the problem but I'm not sure it's the best way:
> "pos": function(node, obj) {
> ...
> if(obj.points) {
> obj.points.push(point);
> } else {
> obj.points = [point];
> }
> }
> thanks,
> Julien
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Tim Schaub
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