[OpenLayers-Dev] getting keyboard status in featureAdded

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Thu Jul 1 11:26:37 EDT 2010


I'm using a DrawFeature to add marker to a map. I want the user to be 
able to place one marker at a time, so I used the featureAdded callback 
and disabled the DrawFeature-Control there.

Next I want the user to be able to override this behavior by holding the 
ctrl-key (add a marker with each click), so I need to get the ctrl-key 
status in the featureAdded callback.

Is there any cross-browser / well-defined way in OpenLayers to do this?

Sorry If the answer is on the ML-Archives or on the wiki but I missed 
it. A link will do in this case.


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