[OpenLayers-Dev] SOS support

Xurxo Mendez xmendez at udc.es
Thu Mar 25 10:07:41 EDT 2010

Hi again.
I noticed that the class v1_0_0 (from SOSCapabilities) expects only one
observedProperty per ObservationOffering. In my project I needed to read
more than one observedProperties from one single offering as my server
writes that, so I modified a little code in that class to make it able to
read more than one observedProperty per Offering. I don't know if that's a
bug (in such a case I don't know if this is the place where I should notify
you), if it's already being considered or if it's just another aspect that
I'm not aware of. The modified code works well, so if anyone wants to see or
check it just mail me. Thank you in advance

Best regards

Xurxo Méndez Pérez
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