[OpenLayers-Dev] visualizing gml V3 layers from gml file with openlayers

ourahou amine infolcop at gmail.com
Mon May 10 11:56:56 EDT 2010

Hi ,

i would like to display a gml v3 layer from a gml file with openlayers. so
whene i use  this code whith the simple GML format.like this :

var gmllayer= new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("amine","gml/services.xml",{

            projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),

     format:  OpenLayers.Format.GML,
      formatOptions: {

         extractAttributes: true
                styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
                    "default": new

                        externalGraphic: "am.png",
                         graphicOpacity: 1,
                        rotation: 45,
                        pointRadius: 7
                    }, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style["default"])),
                    "select": new

                      externalGraphic: "../img/marker-blue.png",

                        fillColor: "gray"
                    }, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style["select"]))

the result in the map is like a disperse polygones, because the real gml
format in my file is multisurface and surface (new format for gml V3).

and whene i specifie the format  format:  OpenLayers.Format.GML.V3 like
this, i got nothing  without success ,

var fir= new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("amine","gml/services.xml",{

            projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
      format: OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3,

     formatOptions : {
     surface: true,
             featureType: "fir",
             geometryName: "geom",
              srsName: "EPSG:4326",
              schemaLocation: "http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd"

please if someone knows how to display a gml V3 layers with openlayers ,i 'm
using deegree server and gml v3 is a response for deegree WFS v 1.1.0.

thanks to reply.
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