[OpenLayers-Dev] cluster strategy not displaying all features until
zoom out/in
jcbeaude at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 3 11:27:47 EDT 2010
This is our first foray into OpenLayers so it could be that we're not using
best practices or something similar, but we're having intermittent
performance with a vector layer that we'd like to resolve. The background
is explained
in this thread , but basically we're trying to get around the fact that IE
becomes unusable when using a vector layer.
For now we're bailing on the "2nd vector layer for selectable features"
until we can resolve this issue: if we can't resolve this, we may have to
resort to proprietary APIs (Bing, Esri, etc.) -- perish the thought. (Time
probably won't allow this).
Our solution for the problem stated was to:
- show vector layer only at or above zoom level 10
- use a cluster strategy
- show only features within the current map extent (i.e. do a callback every
time the map extent changes)
This works, though it took some creativity to get selected features on the
layer to persist between extent changes since the layer is repopulated every
time the extent changes.
The problem now is that some clustered features are not displaying in the
map extent when they should be. If the user zooms out, they are displayed,
and when zoomed back in, they correctly appear where they didn't before.
When debugging in FireFox the features are in an array of features added to
the vector layer with addFeatures(), but they're not in the layer.features
array afterwards and not until the map is zoomed (details in the code
section below).
If I turn the cluster strategy off, the features appear every time at all
scales. But IE is unusable: even with only 14 features it takes several
seconds to respond to toggling the vector layer and to extent changes.
(This is where I wonder if there's a best practice that we're missing:
surely vector layers with more than 14 features are being used with IE?!?!)
This is a code sample (note that the map has a value of 'OnMoveEnd' for the
'moveend' eventListener):
OnMoveEnd: function() {
if (map.getZoom() >= minZoomLevel) {
// This next line simply defines a Callback handler for a .NET
library that we're using (DevExpress)
. . .
HandleMapInitLocsSuccess: function(s, e) {
locFeatures = null;
// 'eval' the results of the 'get locations' callback to get the JSON
representation of the features
locs= eval("(" + e.result + ")");
// Build an array of location features with associated attributes.
locFeatures = GetLocations(locs);
// locFeatures is an array of OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
// locsLayerDef is the OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
. . .
Here's what seems to be happening (as seen when debugging in FF):
1. Initial extent: map shows 5 features, none of which are clustered (which
is correct). If I set a breakpoint at
'locsLayerDef.addFeatures(locFeatures)', I see the five features in
locFeatures and none in locsLayerDef.features, which is correct. When I
step thru locsLayerDef.addFeatures(locFeatures), I correctly see the 5
features in the locsLayerDef.features array.
2. Zoom out: Now locFeatures correctly has 10 features and
locsLayerDef.features still has the original 5. Some of these 10 should
cluster according to my strategy. When I step thru
locsLayerDef.addFeatures(), it still shows only the original 5 features and
the clustered features are not displayed on the map.
3. Zoom out again: The clustered features appear on the map immediately,
even before the code reaches HandleMapInitLocsSuccess(). At my breakpoint
(before the addFeatures()), locsLayerDef.features now has my clustered
features. locFeatures now has 14 features and when I step thru
locsLayerDef.addFeatures(), it again appears as though the features in
locFeatures are not added to it.
4. Zoom in: The clustered features that did not appear in step #2 appear
now at the same scale.
When the features appear in the layer.features array seems to lag by one
zoom event, though this may just have to do the timing of my breakpoint and
when clustering actually happens and/or when the features are actually added
to the vector layer (or even whether FF is correctly refreshing the contents
of my variables in the watch window) but after stepping through
addFeatures() I'd expect to see them in the layer's features array. However
they're not there until I zoom again. Also when the features show up in the
layer.features array seems consistent with when I see them on the map (so I
don't think it's the FF watch window).
Am I missing a crucial step? Or is there timing issue w/r/t when I should
be adding the features to the vector layer? Something else?
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/cluster-strategy-not-displaying-all-features-until-zoom-out-in-tp5596336p5596336.html
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