[OpenLayers-Dev] Code Sprint
Mike Adair
madair at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Sep 22 09:27:05 EDT 2010
No problem, but consider it a standing offer for whenever the time is
On 9/21/2010 2:10 PM, Tim Schaub wrote:
> Hey Mike-
> Thanks for this very generous offer! I think it sounds like a great
> place for a sprint.
> Because the majority of our active core committers are in Europe, my
> assumption is that the lowest cost option (in terms of plane tickets)
> would be to have a sprint hosted in Europe.
> However, I like the idea of a Canadian cottage experience and would be
> happy if we could connect there for a sprint at some point.
> Tim
> On 9/17/10 8:06 AM, Mike Adair wrote:
>> Devs,
>> I saw that @erilem tweeted about needing a 4-5 day code sprint for
>> OL3.0. To that end, I would like to offer up my family cottage as a
>> venue for that.
>> http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=36+Chemin+Adair,+Northfield,+La+Vall%C3%A9e-de-la-Gatineau,+Qu%C3%A9bec+J0X+1W0&sll=45.395712,-75.727494&sspn=0.008965,0.022724&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FfJ7vgIdh1F5-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=36+Chemin+Adair,+Northfield,+La+Vall%C3%A9e-de-la-Gatineau,+Qu%C3%A9bec+J0X+1W0&ll=46.037969,-75.935268&spn=0.070903,0.181789&t=h&z=13
>> It is 1.5 hour drive north of Ottawa, can accommodate 15-20 people and I
>> think it would provide a productive setting for a code sprint. It is
>> reasonably well-appointed and winterized with plumbing, electricity and
>> a full kitchen (i.e. it's not 'roughing it') but it is out in the woods
>> on a lake for a true Canadian cottage experience. The main issue may be
>> network connectivity, but I'm sure someone network savy should be able
>> to setup a wireless LAN connected through the cell phone network or the
>> satellite TV.
>> Other than your travel, the only costs would be for food and drink.
>> Depending on the season, post work hours activities can range from
>> cards/games/bonfires/swimming to skating/curling/luging/skiing in the
>> winter.
>> I wouldn't be offended if you decide against it, but I just thought I
>> should throw that idea out there for consideration. I can reserve a week
>> any time between now and June.
>> Cheers,
>> Mike
Michael Adair
Senior Software Architect
DM Solutions Group Inc.
Office: (613) 565-5056 x26
madair at dmsolutions.ca
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