[OpenLayers-Dev] Harware accelerated CSS3 animations for iOS

Eric Lemoine eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com
Thu Apr 14 03:50:20 EDT 2011

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 10:59 PM, Gregers Gram Rygg
<gregersrygg at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Eric Lemoine
> <eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com> wrote:
>> Right now pinchzoom isn't supported for the commercial layers. The
>> commercial layers aren't in the "layer container" div, which the div
>> we scale and translate on pinch. So targetting Tile.Image sounds good
>> to me at this point.  And for now I think it'd great to document this
>> trick in the "mobile" section of our narrative doc. Would you provide
>> a patch for that?
> Sure, but I'm not sure which documentation you're referring to. This one?
> http://docs.openlayers.org/library/mobile.html
> Can't find the page in svn or a way to edit the page.

The OpenLayers narrative doc is based on Sphinx. You check it out
using svn from <http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/doc/>.

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
Mail : eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com

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