[OpenLayers-Dev] OL 2.12 + missing tiles + layerswitcher

Josef Bicik josef.bicik at de.abb.com
Fri Jul 27 00:32:39 PDT 2012

Hi Devs,

I handle missing tiles in OpenLayers 2.12 using the .olImageLoadError 
style. This works fine until I change the visibility of the layer using 
the LayerSwitcher. When the layer is made visible again, the missing tiles 
are shown as missing images (i.e., have a missing image icon) and have a 
border around them as shown here: http://i.imgur.com/vp7tB.png 

It appears that somehow the style is ignored. When panning the map, the 
missing images would eventually disappear. I wonder if this might be a bug 
or if I do something silly. 

Best regards, Josef

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