[OpenLayers-Dev] selectFeature's selectStyle cannot accept propertyStyle?
Alexandre Dubé
adube at mapgears.com
Mon Jul 30 12:52:44 PDT 2012
If you can narrow down which style properties are unique for each
feature, instead of defining a unique style and use it as feature.style,
you could define custom properties in the feature attributes to hold the
unique values and use them in your context, as you do with ${type}.
Here's a copy of the drawFeature method in Layer/Vector.js :
if (typeof style != "object") {
if(!style && feature.state === OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {
style = "delete";
var renderIntent = style || feature.renderIntent;
style = feature.style || this.style;
if (!style) {
style = this.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature,
So, the feature style is obtained in that order of priority :
* feature.style
* layer.style
* feature.renderIntent
In order to let the styleMap manage the feature style, you should
avoid setting the feature.style directly.
Using this method, your layer styleMap should contain both default
and select keys in order to work properly, with select containing the
additionnal label: "${type}" property set.
You could try that and see how it goes.
On 12-07-30 02:56 PM, BERÉNYI Attila wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you for your response, it seems like I have not been clear enough.
> If every single vector feature has its own style, the layer's styleMap
> object cannot be used (it looks like it is ignored, check here:
> http://gislab.hu/ol/selectFeature-selectStyle-propertyStyle-1.html)
> that's why I try to use selectStyle.
> I've update the original example as well:
> http://gislab.hu/ol/selectFeature-selectStyle-propertyStyle.html.
> BR,
> Attila
> 2012/7/30 Alexandre Dubé <adube at mapgears.com <mailto:adube at mapgears.com>>
> Hi,
> Instead of defining a selectStyle in the control, you could try
> setting a styleMap to your layer object. This example should
> point you to the right direction since it uses a '${type}'
> symbolizer value and a select control :
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/graphic-name.html
> HTH,
> Alexandre
> P.S. Btw, this question would have been more suitable for the
> users mailing list.
> On 12-07-30 05:52 AM, BERÉNYI Attila wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I wanted to use the selectFeature control's selectStyle property
>> to display a property-based label for the selected features,
>> however, it seems that the selectStyle property doesn't support
>> property-based styling.
>> Example here:
>> http://gislab.hu/ol/selectFeature-selectStyle-propertyStyle.html
>> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
>> BR,
>> Attila
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> --
> Alexandre Dubé
> Mapgears
> www.mapgears.com <http://www.mapgears.com>
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> --
> BERÉNYI Attila, PhD
> ügyvezeto" igazgató
> GISLab Hungary Kft.
> 1031 Budapest, Kadosa utca 59.
> +36 20 457 1800
Alexandre Dubé
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