[OpenLayers-Dev] Get resulting bounding box from TouchNavigation
Bessette-Halsema, Dominique E
Dominique.Bessette at GDIT.com
Wed Oct 10 08:58:03 PDT 2012
Sorry I'm new to openlayers and javascript
I'm still having trouble getting the correct lat/lon bounding box when I zoom in. I'm registering the map but I cant seem to get the correct bounds.
I'm using
$wnd.boxControl = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation();
* Creates the OpenLayers map.
* @param mapDiv the {@code div} element to put the map in
private static native void createMap(Element mapDiv,MapView scope) /*-{
var options = {
'restrictedExtent': new $wnd.OpenLayers.Bounds(-360.0, -90.0, 360.0, 90.0),
'projection': 'EPSG:4326',
'displayProjection': 'EPSG:4326',
'maxResolution': 'auto',
'maxExtent': new $wnd.OpenLayers.Bounds(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0),
'maxZoomLevel': 16,
'numZoomLevels': 16,
'units': 'degrees',
'fractionalZoom': false,
'controls': [],
'theme': null
$wnd.map = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Map(mapDiv, options);
$wnd.map.addLayers([$wnd.worldLayer, $wnd.aoiBoxes]);
function notice() {
var EPSG4326 = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var EPSG900913 = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
var bounds = $wnd.map.getExtent().clone();
bounds = bounds.transform(EPSG900913, EPSG4326);
// var bounds = $wnd.map.getExtent().transform($wnd.map.projection, $wnd.map.displayProjection);
var leftBottomPx = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Pixel(bounds.left, bounds.bottom);
var rightTopPx = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Pixel(bounds.right, bounds.top);
var leftBottomLonLat = $wnd.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(leftBottomPx);
var rightTopLonLat = $wnd.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(rightTopPx);
scope. at mil.navy.fnmoc.gis.mapss.selection.client.MapView::updateCorners(DDDD)(
leftBottomLonLat.lon, leftBottomLonLat.lat, rightTopLonLat.lon, rightTopLonLat.lat);
$wnd.map.events.register("zoomend", $wnd.map, notice);
* Updates the corners of the AOI bounding box in the corner text boxes.
* @param minLon the new minimum longitude
* @param minLat the new minimum latitude
* @param maxLon the new maximum longitude
* @param maxLat the new maximum latitude
private void updateCornerBoxes(double minLon, double minLat, double maxLon, double maxLat) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Update Corners "+minLon + " "+minLat + " " + maxLon + " "+ maxLat);
wrapLongitudes(minLon, maxLon);
-----Original Message-----
From: andreas.hocevar at gmail.com [mailto:andreas.hocevar at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Andreas Hocevar
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 8:55 AM
To: Bessette-Halsema, Dominique E
Cc: openlayers-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Get resulting bounding box from TouchNavigation
The easiest to achieve this is to register for the map's zoomend event:
function notice() {
var bounds = map.getExtent();
/* your existing notice code here */
map.events.register("zoomend", this, notice);
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Bessette-Halsema, Dominique E <Dominique.Bessette at gdit.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm having issues creating handlers for my mobile touch map. Using TouchNavigation I'm able to Pan and PinchZoom but I need the resulting bounding box from the map. If you look at the old Non-mobile code below I need to be able to call the notice function when the user is done panning and zooming. Is there a way I can do this?
> TouchNavigation code
> private static native void createBoxControl(MapView scope, boolean activateBoxCtrl) /*-{
> $wnd.boxControl = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
> dragPanOptions: {
> interval: 0, // non-zero kills performance on some mobile phones
> enableKinetic: true
> }
> })
> }-*/;
> Old Non-Mobile code
> private static native void createBoxControl(MapView scope, boolean activateBoxCtrl) /*-{
> $wnd.boxControl = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Control();
> $wnd.OpenLayers.Util.extend($wnd.boxControl, {
> draw: function() {
> this.handler = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Handler.Box($wnd.boxControl,
> {"done": this.notice},
> {keyMask: $wnd.OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT});
> if(activateBoxCtrl) {
> this.activate();
> }
> },
> notice: function(bounds) {
> var leftBottomPx = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Pixel(bounds.left, bounds.bottom);
> var rightTopPx = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Pixel(bounds.right, bounds.top);
> var leftBottomLonLat = $wnd.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(leftBottomPx);
> var rightTopLonLat = $wnd.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(rightTopPx);
> scope. at mil.navy.fnmoc.gis.mapss.selection.client.MapView::updateCorners(DDDD)(
> leftBottomLonLat.lon, leftBottomLonLat.lat, rightTopLonLat.lon, rightTopLonLat.lat);
> }
> });
> }-*/;
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Andreas Hocevar
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