[OpenLayers-Trac] Re: [OpenLayers] #2210: Deactivate controls when destroying

OpenLayers trac-20090302 at openlayers.org
Thu Oct 14 14:37:55 EDT 2010

#2210: Deactivate controls when destroying
 Reporter:  ahocevar  |       Owner:                 
     Type:  bug       |      Status:  new            
 Priority:  minor     |   Milestone:  2.11 Release   
Component:  Control   |     Version:  2.8            
 Keywords:            |       State:  Needs More Work

Comment(by jorix):

 Replying to [comment:5 jorix]:
 > ... I also tested r10732 + #2210 and the tests ...
 is ... I also tested r10834 + #2210 and the tests...

 Thus #2210 is not a problem, is the solution solves two problems at once.

 Note: Panel.js reqire a manual merge (without applying in panel.js test
 also works)

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/2210#comment:6>
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