[OpenLayers-Trac] Re: [OpenLayers] #3272: Handler.Path: It is not possible to draw accurately

OpenLayers trac-20090302 at openlayers.org
Thu Apr 28 02:09:15 EDT 2011

#3272: Handler.Path: It is not possible to draw accurately
 Reporter:  jorix         |       Owner:  tschaub        
     Type:  bug           |      Status:  new            
 Priority:  critical      |   Milestone:  2.11 Release   
Component:  Handler.Path  |     Version:  SVN            
 Keywords:                |       State:  Needs More Work

Comment(by erilem):

 Replying to [comment:15 jorix]:
 > Just a minor detail. I think {{{this.mouseDown = false;}}} in
 {{{touchstart}}} is redundant ({{{this.finishGeometry();}}} also puts

 Good catch!

 > I like the name {{{doubleTouchTolerance}}} that {{{dblclickTolerance}}}

 Me too.

 See [attachment:patch-3272-A1.diff]. And
 drawing.html should be up-to-date.

 > Thinking of slow processors (HTC Magic), I thought also try to activate
 the timer in "up" after adding the point (only if before the timer is
 activated). But today I have not had time to try this.

 That may indeed be worth a try. Please open a new ticket for this if you
 get a chance to get to it.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/3272#comment:16>
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