[OpenLayers-Users] Popup Opacity issues

joanne cook j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk
Tue Apr 17 04:43:01 EDT 2007

Hi Bill,
Hmm, the site is definitely working, so I don't know why it hangs for you. At what point does it hang?
Oddly, when I change the code in test3.html to say wfs.events.register rather than map.events.register, then the popup function works fine (eg it fires when you click on a point and not when you click elsewhere on the map) and the opacity is set. So there is something different again in the two files that causes the opacity to be set in one and not the other...
Curiouser and curiouser
Joanne Cook BSc MLitt AIFA MBCS
Information Systems Coordinator
Oxford Archaeology North


From: Bill Woodall [mailto:bwoodall at wardrobe.dhs.org]
Sent: Tue 17/04/2007 08:45
To: joanne cook
Subject: RE: [OpenLayers-Users] Popup Opacity issues

Hi Jo

I could not get the site
to work for me, it just hangs on loading.

And yes, the current way the events work in OL make it so the any mouse
click will go through the whole event chain.  One option is to create an
additional mode ( call it 'info" ) besides the current mouseToolbar mode
of pan and zoom.  An example of this is at

With the new Navigation code in OL 2.4 ( in Control ), I look forward to
implementing the above feature into NavToolbar.

I hope that helps some


On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 08:17 +0100, joanne cook wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for getting back to me. However, this didn't work for me. Not only that, but when I set it to map.events.register, it fired the popup event wherever on the map I clicked, including the zoom bar (so, coincidentally I can now fix the version that is slightly broken even if I can't work out why one does opacity and the other does not)
> Cheers
> Jo
> -------------------------------------------
> Joanne Cook BSc MLitt AIFA MBCS
> Information Systems Coordinator
> Oxford Archaeology North
> -------------------------------------------
> ________________________________
> From: Bill Woodall [mailto:bwoodall at wardrobe.dhs.org]
> Sent: Mon 16/04/2007 17:37
> To: joanne cook
> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Popup Opacity issues
> Hi Jo,
> I believe you need to use the 'map' and not the layer in the line
>         In file "mapdata.thehumanjourney.net.htm":
>         line 57:   wfs.events.register("click", map, function(e){
> where as in
>         In file "test3.html":
>         line 45: map.events.register("click",map, function(e){
> Hope that helps
> ...........Bill,
> On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 14:57 +0100, joanne cook wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have two versions of a map, one which is a little broken, yet has an opaque popup, and another that does everything else I want but the popup seems to ignore the setopacity parameter. I have no idea why this might be. Could someone take a look at the code and enlighten me? These are both tested with firefox 2.
> > Broken but opaque:
> > http://mapdata.thehumanjourney.net/OpenLayers-2.3/examples/test3.html
> > Working but not opaque:
> > http://mapdata.thehumanjourney.net
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> > Jo
> >
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