[OpenLayers-Users] Tooltips?

Jeff Dege jdege at korterra.com
Tue Apr 24 18:56:38 EDT 2007

We are designing a system that will have an OpenLayers map with either a
WFS or a GML layer.  The features on this layer will have attributes.
We would like to display these features to the user.  The openmnnd
example shows, pretty clearly, how to select a feature with either a
click or a mouseover.  But the information is displayed in a div outside
the map.

But the folks here are half-sold on the idea of displaying the info in a
tool-tip - a pop-up box that displays the info and goes away when the
mouse does.  Or if not a tool-tip, something that looks and acts like a

Should I be digging into OpenLayers.Popup?

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