[OpenLayers-Users] SVG Overlay
miles.togoe at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 17:38:07 EST 2007
Pierre GIRAUD wrote:
> I'm just wondering if you noticed that we are using a svg symbols catalogue.
> http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/camptocamp/vectorSymbols/examples/symbol_catalog.svg
ahh, okay, maybe this is what I'm trying to figure out - I can see the
usefulness for many people of having a ready-to-use symbol library. But
since there's obviously code that translates SVG from the symbol
library, couldn't there be or is there an api call that imports directly
from a separate SVG file rather than from the symbol library - thus,
instead of having to put a dynamically created SVG in the symbol
library, we could just call something like map.importsvg(mysvg,
x,y,scale,rotate) - then the SVG import file gets the advantage of being
geo-positioned (if that is the right term) and converted to VML, if IE.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> On Dec 12, 2007 10:49 PM, miles <miles.togoe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Pierre GIRAUD wrote:
>>> If you need vector symbols you should have a look at this example.
>>> http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/camptocamp/vectorSymbols/examples/vector-symbols.html
>> This seems backwards to me to have to replicate graphic or symbol
>> libraries in yet another graphics api - if we're outputting dynamic
>> graphics in SVG in our code, now we have to change our output code to
>> OpenLayers vector language ? Which then converts it back to SVG ?
>> duh? The advantage of using an open xml standard like SVG is that it
>> can be displayed not just on the screen in OpenLayers but converted via
>> ImageMagik, saved to an xml output file to be used in Inkscape (or even
>> in a text editor), or in reverse, created in Inkscape and brought in
>> from there, and likewise used in other programs. I'm starting to
>> wonder if we should or need to patch or fork a version of OpenLayers
>> with direct handling of SVG ?
>>> Two notes :
>>> - This only works for point features,
>>> - this converts svg symbols into vml groups so that they can be
>>> rendered into IE.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pierre
>>> On Dec 12, 2007 9:28 PM, miles <miles.togoe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Tim Schaub wrote:
>>>>> Hey-
>>>>> miles wrote:
>>>>>> Are there any examples of using a SVG overlay? I didn't see any. I
>>>>>> suspect it's kind of tricky since I assume the SVG coordinate system
>>>>>> would need to be translated to the coordinate system/projection being
>>>>>> used for the base layer.
>>>>> If you open the following page in Firefox, you're looking at an "SVG
>>>>> overlay."
>>>>> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/rotate-features.html
>>>>> Did you mean something different?
>>>> yes, I realize OpenLayers renders in SVG or VML but I meant overlaying
>>>> an actual SVG xml file. This would permit displaying icons made in
>>>> Inkscape, etc and I would think be faster since OpenLayers does not have
>>>> to convert the vector language code to SVG. Obviously it would only
>>>> display in a browser that supports SVG - or should we say won't display
>>>> in IE, the only browser that does not support SVG ):
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
>>>> <!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) -->
>>>> <svg
>>>> xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
>>>> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
>>>> version="1.0"
>>>> width="744.09448"
>>>> height="1052.3622"
>>>> id="svg2">
>>>> <defs
>>>> id="defs4" />
>>>> <g
>>>> id="layer1">
>>>> <path
>>>> d="M 231.42858 336.64789 A 48.57143 47.142857 0 1 1
>>>> 134.28572,336.64789 A 48.57143 47.142857 0 1 1 231.42858 336.64789 z"
>>>> style="fill:#ff0000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1"
>>>> id="path2160" />
>>>> </g>
>>>> </svg>
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