[OpenLayers-Users] Does OL have utility function to convert WKB into something usable?

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Wed Dec 26 15:15:48 EST 2007


Tim Schaub wrote:
> Hey-
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does OL have utility function to convert WKB into something usable?
>> Searching with google did not show anything appropriate.
> Reading binary files is problematic cross-browser.  In Firefox, we can 
> override the mime-type to "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined" and parse 
> a byte at a time, but this doesn't work in IE.
> I'd be happy to be told otherwise, but I think the answer is use known 
> character sets with browsers (not binary files).

Correcting myself, I see that the MS interface to XHR has a 
responseStream property.  So, if you're feeling like writing a WKB 
format for OL, it should be possible - you'd just want to expose some 
cross-browser methods for getting the raw data.

> Tim
>> Thanks,
>>    -Steve
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