[OpenLayers-Users] Toolbar.js, Button.js, Pan.js, ZoomBox.js

Curtis W. Ruck ruckc at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 18 08:39:14 EST 2007

To all who may be concerned after a long night of digging through OL source trying write a layer management interface i failed.  Instead i came out with an extensible Toolbar that more or less mimic's MouseToolbar.js but is broken out into 'Buttons' that can have event listeners.  If a Button has event listeners they get called when a specific button is enabled.  There is alot of stuff missing from MouseToolbar like shortcut keys to switch between modes, but in all its working glory you can find this stuff at http://orbyn.mine.nu/olruck/ in a working version, and http://orbyn.mine.nu/ol/lib/ for the source of my petty javascript.

Hope this helps, i've done enough talking in the #openlayers room on freenode, finally something has come to fruition.

Curtis Ruck

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