[OpenLayers-Users] Internet Explorer -- Error: this.vemapcontrol is null or not an object

Mike Quentel mikequentel at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 19 12:33:04 EST 2007

Using OpenLayers 2.1.  Bringing in a variety of map
services, including Google Maps, Virtual Earth, and
several WMS-type services.  Since this application is
using OpenLayers, the Microsoft Virtual Earth GUI
controls are suppressed (as demonstrated in the
OpenLayers samples).  Now, here is the problem that
only happens in IE, not in Firefox:

When user navigates away from a page (or closes IE
browser) that has the OpenLayers control with the
above mentioned map services, and Virtual Earth is not
selected (i.e., radio button off for the base layer
Virtual Earth; several other base layers exist and one
of them is on) the following JavaScript message box
error appears:

Error: 'this.vemapcontrol' is null or not an object

The error does not happen if Virtual Earth is selected
(radio button on).

Note: a local copy of the Virtual Earth JavaScript is
being used, rather than a hotlink to Microsoft.

Any advice on this?  I've considered a rough
work-around of having the VE base layer radio button
being selected on unload event, but that seems to be a
rather crude solution.

Thank you.

Mike Quentel

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