[OpenLayers-Users] GML features not lining up in FireFox

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri May 18 09:21:17 EDT 2007

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 07:32:42AM -0400, Obe, Regina wrote:
> I have a map that displays a Mapserver WMS of Abandoned property points
> and when the user clicks on a red dot, it queries the WFS service to get
> the detail of that section and overlays the WFS points as an extra
> layer.
> In IE 7, my WMS and WFS line up perfectly, but in Firefox, the WFS seems
> a bit skewed off the mark.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a
> known issue.
> I'm using the OpenLayers version in CVS.
> Below is the link to my map.
> http://www.cityofboston.gov/dnd/AbandonedPrivateMap.aspx

The short answer is "You can't do that", unfortunately. Using
the commercial layers as a base layer for WFS is not something that
works in 2.4. WE're currently working on a couple of different solutions
for this to be brought in after 2.4.

Since you're in Massachusetts, depending on the type of information
you're interested in from the maps, you may have o ther options for
mapping -- the boston freemap, http://boston.freemap.in/ , offers decent
quality road maps and supports a number of different projections, so you
could use that as a base map instead. (I can help with that if need be.)

If it's important to you to use commercial base layers, I have a branch
of OpenLayers which will work in FF with the commercial base layers,
however, I haven't yet made the neccesary changes to to the VML layer.

So, you have a couple options:
 * Pursue using a WMS-basemap, via the Boston Freemap, or directly from
   MassGIS. (I can help with this.)
 * Wait for future developments which allow this usage.
 * Investigate using the SVG branch I talked about -- this one probably
   only makes sense if you have someone skilled in Javascript that you
   can talk to (whether that's you or someone else).

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Christopher Schmidt

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