[OpenLayers-Users] Get WFS features geometry data

bkausbk at web.de bkausbk at web.de
Thu May 24 08:24:25 EDT 2007

Hi Christine,

> [...]
>    feature = allFeatures[i];
>    geometry = feature.geometry;

Does it mean, that "geometry" variable is always available in OpenLayers.Feature or just in OpenLayers.Feature.Vector? Because concerning http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.html it is only available in OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.

But since I'm using OpenLayers.Layer.WFS and concerning Mr. Christopher Schmidt there is indeed a features variable if I don't use "featureClass" (although I can't find it in class documentation or source code) I would presume "features" is of type OpenLayers.Feature.WFS instead of OpenLayers.Feature.Vector or Am I wrong?

> That's how WFS works, though it uses a buffer around the current view -
> that buffer can be dropped to 1.0 via a 'ratio: 1.0' option to the layer.

Ok, if I understand you well this buffer does only contain the features required for current view (if ratio is set to 1.0) or Am I wrong? If so, what happens if there are polygons out of view? Are they truncated in some way?


Benjamin Kalytta

PS: @Christine: Bist Du die jenige die sich mit dem Thema Multiple Feature Selection auseinander gesetzt hatte?

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