[OpenLayers-Users] Delaying Layer Initialization

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri May 25 19:35:57 EDT 2007

On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 11:35:13AM -0400, Jeremy Nix wrote:
> Is there a way to delay a layer's initialization process? Here's the 
> situation that we're running into. We have around ten layers that we 
> want to make available, but the screen's initial loading time is immense 
> as these layers are mostly tile layers and some servers are better than 
> others at feeding up the images. We figure that in a given view, the 
> user is most likely only going to use a handful (2-3) of the given 
> layers. Maybe a property could be added to a layer to denote whether to 
> initialize before set to visible. Does anybody else find that to be 
> useful? Or have you found workarounds of your own to deal with similar 
> loading time issues?

Layers shouldn't be loading tiles if they're not visible. If they are,
it's a bug. Example HTML would help debug it. (Visibility is controlled
via setVisibility.) 

Christopher Schmidt

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