[OpenLayers-Users] Drawing polygons

Richard Thurbin richard at cloudamber.com
Tue May 29 12:13:12 EDT 2007

Well done all on the v2.4 release.

Regarding the EditingToolbar, I have implemented the openlayers example:

Here:  <> After some
investigation, it seems the red bit below of the new layer code is making
the toolbar not work (except pan).

layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Map",
    " <http://models.itoworld.com/map/wms>
        'layers': 'vwa,vpa,via,r,rw,vlb',
        'srs': 'EPSG:27700',                   
        'format': 'image/png',
        'transparent': 'off'
        'isBaseLayer': true,
        'maxExtent': new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,0,700000,1100000),
        'maxResolution': 1000,
        'projection': 'EPSG:27700'


If I take the red out it works (but the layer is useless). Any ideas?

Richard Thurbin   
Mobile: +44 7917 704 145
VOIP:   +44 8458 905 299
Fax:    +44 8700 518 913
Email:  richard.thurbin at cloudamber.com

Cloud Amber Research and Development
Amber House
Brockley Road
CB23 4JS
United Kingdom

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