[OpenLayers-Users] OverviewMap Container

R. Ortner reinhard.ortner at edu.fh-kaernten.ac.at
Thu Nov 8 05:44:21 EST 2007

Great, Thank Your Richard that worked perfectly

I added the {theme: null} into both options and it worked!

Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> The Openlayers css is included programmically and overriding your css:
> see: Map.js or Openlayers.js:
> // only add a new node if one with an equivalent url hasn't already
> // been added
> if(addNode) {
>      var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
>      cssNode.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
>      cssNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
>      cssNode.setAttribute('href', this.theme);
>      document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(cssNode);
> }
> So try as told here:
> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/custom-style.html
>  >> cut
> If you care to modify the style of any OpenLayers element, include the 
> default stylesheet as a link and declare any style modifications below 
> that link. These style declarations can be in other linked stylesheets 
> or in style tags. In addition, construct your map with options that 
> include {theme: null}. This will disable the default method of loading 
> the stylesheet and allow you to declare style rules in your own linked 
> stylesheets or style tags.
> << end cut
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> R. Ortner wrote:
>> hi,
>> no, i only use my own stylesheet, here is the beginning of my html file:
>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
>>   <head>
>>   <link rel="stylesheet"
>> href="/usr/share/openlayers-2.5/OpenLayers-2.5/theme/geoland_theme/geoland_style.css"
>> type="text/css" />
>>     <style type="text/css">
>> 		.olControlOverviewMapElement 
>> 		{
>> 				background-color: green;
>> 		} 
>> 		.olControlOverviewMapExtentRectangle 
>> 		{
>> 				border: 2px dotted black;
>> 		}
>>     </style>
>>     <script
>> src=""></script>
>>     <script type="text/javascript">
>>         var map;
>>         function init(){
>> 		    var options = { scales: [800000, 600000, 250000, 125000, 75000,
>> 30000,
>> 10000], 
>> 			'projection':'EPSG:31258', 'units':'m', 
>> 			'maxExtent': new OpenLayers.Bounds(390730, 119473, 594760, 238680), 
>> 			'maxResolution': "auto", 
>> 			controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults()],  //
>> Weltkugelsymbol
>> (Zoom to max extend)  unter dem Zoomregler entfernt
>> 			};  
>> 			// options 2 --> optionen für die OverviewMap
>> 			var options2 = {projection: "EPSG:31258",
>> 							units: 'm',
>> 							maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(390730, 119473, 594760, 238680),
>> 							format: 'jpeg',
>> 							transparent:"false"
>> 							// layers: [lg_wms]
>> 							// Baselayer wird automatisch geladen
>> 			};
>> 			map = new OpenLayers.Map(('map'),options, { controls: [] });
>> --------------------
>> what scripts are liable for overwriting the container color?
>> Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
>>> Hi Reinhard,
>>> looks like the styles from you stylesheet are overridden by script?
>>> Did you include the default stylesheet as a link and declare any style 
>>> modifications below that link?
>>> Like shown/mentioned here:
>>> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/custom-style.html
>>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>>> R. Ortner wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i put the Overviewmap outside my map with the <div option...
>>>> now i tried to change the color of the container by changing it in the
>>>> style.css .olControlOverviewMapElemet Section but no effect.
>>>> I made a new custom styleX.css, but it in the html file in the
>>>> stylesheet
>>>> section, but still no effect so far the container color is blue!
>>>> then i tried to but this:
>>>> .olControlOverviewMapElement {
>>>> 		background-color: green;
>>>>   } 
>>>> to the style section of my html file;
>>>> What happens is that when i load the map, very short before the
>>>> overview
>>>> is
>>>> loaded the color is green and then it is overwritten by the standard
>>>> blue
>>>> color!
>>>> does anyone know why?
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