[OpenLayers-Users] search/query

Lance Dyas lancelot at inetnebr.com
Thu Nov 8 08:24:47 EST 2007

R. Ortner wrote:
> actually I´m loading point, line, and polygon features via wms into my map
> (ArcIMS Server). It´s also possible to load a few layers via ka-map (from an
> PostGIS DB) into my map.
> Now I´d like to query e.g. the point features by clicking on them and/or
> searching for them.
> It should work like that site with the "I" button and the seach bar I found
> today:
> http://www.microimages.com/ogc/maps/nebraskaopen.htm?
I'm the developer who created the above.
Perhaps I can help (and maybe we can make it more generally useful)

The informational uses GetFeatureInfo  Requests from the WMS

The search function is implemented via JSON from geonames.org
which will get you the places in a generalized sense but not exactly the 

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