[OpenLayers-Users] Extract/read attributes from GML

springrider springrider at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 14 11:44:07 EST 2007

Thanks for your answer

I think i was not clear, I used to be a XML/XSL developper so i wanted to
access this specific tag. After browsing the different examples and mainly
the GMLparser example, i found some answers. I can obtain using OL code the
bouding box of my polygon directly.

This is a my current code:

g =  new OpenLayers.Format.GML();
features = g.read(req.responseText);
var bounds = features[1].geometry.getBounds();

It works fine with the XMLs available for this OL example but with my GML, i
always have features.length=0. By doing Alert(req.responseText), i obtain
effectively my GML but no features are considered in it. In attachment, you
will find my GML: http://www.nabble.com/file/p13750828/gml.xml gml.xml .

I really hope you can help me.



Christopher Schmidt-4 wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 07:17:08AM -0800, springrider wrote:
>> Good morning
>> I would be interested to extract/read text within some tags
>> (wfs:FeatureCollection\gml:boundedBy\gml:Box\gml:coordinates) from my
>> GML. I
>> am now struggling trying to write the correct syntax. I tried something
>> like
>> that:
>>  var myGml= new
>> OpenLayers.Layer.GML("myGML","");
>> var myExtent=
>> myGml.read("wfs:FeatureCollection\gml:boundedBy\gml:Box\gml:coordinates")
>> But it is not correct.Could you please help me? I would then use this
>> text
>> to define the extent of my map.
> This isn't going to do what you want it to do.
> 1. None of the OpenLayers libraries include support for xpath like
> navigation of XML documents.
> 2. The GML parser returns features; additional metadata from the
> document is ignored.
> 3. The Layer is just about displaying data; you're more likely to want
> to use the Format (but it still won't do what you want.)
> You'll probably want to use the Format.XML class to load the data, and
> use standard DOM methods to manipulate the loaded XML, or the Format.XML
> specific getElementsByTagNameNS and the like. 
> OpenLayers is a map library, rather than a geodata management framework,
> so it doesn't provide the tools to do what you want easily, as far as
> I'm aware.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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