[OpenLayers-Users] [OSM-talk] Osmajax - OpenLayers/AJAX based online OSM editor

Nick Whitelegg Nick.Whitelegg at solent.ac.uk
Thu Nov 15 04:34:38 EST 2007

>> and can also be reached from Freemap (www.free-map.org.uk/) via the 
>> option, though note that this is slower (for some reason SVG on Firefox 
>> to slow if there's a big CSS file).

>you're not kidding, i had a few problems with that, i couldn't do much
>in the way of editing because of it. sure it'll improve

To be fair I'm not really designing it for urban areas where there are 
lots of ways, it's more designed for editing in low density areas, in 
particular the countryside. A lot of it may well be the inherent problems 
of SVG in Firefox, but if anyone can help with suggestions for speed 
improvements (code can be viewed by looking at the JS files in 
http://www.free-map.org.uk/freemap/javascript/osmajax-0.5) then feel free 
to do so.

Contours by the way are from NASA SRTM. The background images are actually 
straight from Freemap.


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