[OpenLayers-Users] error in resolution index from tilecache/geoserver

Lance Dyas lancelot at inetnebr.com
Sun Nov 25 20:22:16 EST 2007

Thanks, rounding things off
and using extent_type= loose
did got it covered!

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 06:30:27PM -0600, Lance Dyas wrote:
>> I am getting error of this sort from tilecache...
>> images are causing this..
> """
> The most important thing to do is to ensure that the OpenLayers Layer
> has the same resolutions and bounding box as your TileCache layer. You
> can define the resolutions in OpenLayers via the 'resolutions' option or
> the 'maxResolution' option on the layer. The maxExtent should be defined
> to match the bbox parameter of the TileCache layer.
> If you are using TileCache for overlays, you should set the 'reproject'
> option on the layer to 'false'.
> """
> Regards,

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