[OpenLayers-Users] Beginner Virtual Earth Problems

getdano getmandj at ornl.gov
Wed May 14 14:24:14 EDT 2008

I am experiencing the same behavior. The VE Layer works great by itself but
as soon as you select another base layer, selecting the VE layer does not
bring it back. 

I don’t believe this was a problem in the previous version of OpenLayers. In
fact, I replaced the 2.6 lib files with the 2.5 lib files and the base
layers example works fine with the older lib. 

Is there some change that I have missed in the upgrade? Any advice would be
greatly appreciated.

Richard Marsden-119 wrote:
> I am currently using MapServer and OpenLayers for an online mapping 
> project to display a rain forest study area - unfortunately I'm a bit 
> of  a beginner with both! I'm currently having problems using Virtual 
> Earth in OpenLayers: in particular switching between layers, and with VE 
> versions.
> Virtual Earth isn't suitable for the main map because our study area is 
> only about 10ha of Costa Rican rain forest - ie. the detail just isn't 
> there. However, I am try to use Virtual Earth as an optional base map to 
> show the study area in context.
> I've managed to get the OpenLayers Virtual Earth sample working with a 
> MapServer WMS hydrology overlay ('synthetic streams').
> I'm currently trying to get it to work with an alternative "outline map".
> Ie. there are two base layers that can be chosen with a pair of radio 
> buttons in the LayerSwitcher:  'Virtual Earth Base Layer',  and  
> 'Outline'   (WMS delivered shape file)
> An optional overlay  is selected with a checkbox:  'Synthetic streams' 
> (also via WMS).
> This is a work in progress so the colours could be improved, but my 
> results are here:
> http://www.ecomapcostarica.com/map/map_beta.html
> Virtual Earth imagery loads okay at first. Switching to the 'Outline' 
> works as well. However, when I switch back to Virtual Earth, it fails to 
> re-appear. Instead, Outline is replaced with a white fill.
> What am I doing wrong?  Or is this kind of behaviour not supported?
> This is my Javascript:
> <script
> src="http://dev.virtualearth.net/mapcontrol/v3/mapcontrol.js"></script>
>     <script src="./OpenLayers.js"></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>         var lon = -84;
>         var lat = 10;
>         var zoom = 7;
>         var map;
>         var stream_layer, velayer, bound_layer, outline_layer;
>         function init(){
>             map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );
>             velayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth("Virtual Earth
> Base Layer", 
> { minZoomLevel: 4, maxZoomLevel: 8, 'type': VEMapStyle.Aerial } );
>             map.addLayer(velayer);
>             outline_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "Outline", 
> "http://www.ecomapcostarica.com/map/mapserv.cgi?map=/usr/home/winwaed/mapdata/cr_outline.map",
> {layers: 'outline'},
>                     {gutter: 15});
>             map.addLayer(outline_layer);
>             stream_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "Synthetic
> Streams", 
> "http://www.ecomapcostarica.com/map/mapserv.cgi?map=/usr/home/winwaed/mapdata/cr_stream.map",
> {layers: 'streams', transparent:'true'},
>                     {gutter: 15});
>             map.addLayer(stream_layer);
>             map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat), zoom);
>             map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher() );
>         }
>     </script>
> ----
> I've also tried changing the script to use v6.1 of the Virtual Earth 
> Control,  ie.:
> <script 
> src="http://dev.virtualearth.net/mapcontrol/mapcontrol.ashx?v=6.1"></script>
> The results can be seen here:
> http://www.ecomapcostarica.com/map/map_ve.html
> The default "North America" map appears  - not my selected area at all, 
> and none of the OpenLayers controls (zoom, layer selection, etc) appear.
> Is v3 the latest version supported by OpenLayers?  Are there any plans 
> to update this in the near future?  I see that Microsoft are actively 
> retiring old versions of the Virtual Earth API.
> Thanks in advance.  OpenLayers and MapServer are both capable of some 
> pretty neat stuff - I have high hopes regarding the final result!
> Richard Marsden
> Wiwnaed Software Technology LLC
> http://www.winwaed.com
> http://www.mapping-tools.com
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