[OpenLayers-Users] popup hidden when goes on sides of viewport

Kusum kusum at infobase.in
Thu May 15 08:21:59 EDT 2008

Dear all

I am caught in a very difficult situation. In my application the user marks a point on map and enters description to the point. 
Aslo uploads photos. 
a folder is made into which the uploaded photos go and then I fetch the string for all photos in folder.
And then the description and photos are seen in popup.
But if the user marks a second point and uploads other photos in other folder and then sees the popup.
In second popup new photos are seen but then photos of first popup also change as now they start using the new fetched image string for new popup.

Isn't there an id corresponding each FramedCloud popup that I can assign and later use to fetch photos corresponding to it.

Please Help.

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