[OpenLayers-Users] How to add WMS Layer published by MapGuide

Paul Spencer pagameba at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 07:54:15 EDT 2008


this is happening because of the way that MapGuide works, it requires  
two calls to the server in some situations, specifically for  
overlays.  The first request is issued as an XMLHttpRequest and is  
governed by the same origin policy of browsers (it won't let you talk  
to a server from a different domain than the one the page was loaded  
from).  If your app is hosted on the same server as the mapguide web  
tier, then you should not be affected by this error.

This won't help you now, but MapGuide OS is just about to change this  
behaviour to remove the need for the GETVISIBLEMAPEXTENT call for the  
imminent MapGuide OS 2.1 release that will probably come out towards  
the end of October and the MapGuide layer in OpenLayers will be  
updated to support this new behaviour (and remove the source of your  
problem) at the same time.  So hopefully by the time OpenLayers 2.8  
(or whatever the next version is) comes out, this will all be a non- 
issue anyway.



On 5-Oct-08, at 10:01 AM, carls wrote:

> I need to access Mapguide OverLayer to Openlayers, but there are  
> something
> wrong with it (access denied with XMLHttpRequest.open(......)).
> So I moved to Add WMS Layer published by MapGuide. I tested many  
> times,
> there is always a empty image displayed.
> How to config the WMS Data/Layer published by MapGuide and how to  
> set the
> access way to it?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/How-to-add-WMS-Layer-published-by-MapGuide-tp1298795p1298795.html
> Sent from the OpenLayers Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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