[OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic size of point using StyleMap

jegou at univ-tlse2.fr jegou at univ-tlse2.fr
Fri Apr 10 05:12:17 EDT 2009

   Hi Yves, i don't know if i understand you question, but it's  
possible to use the map.getZoom() function in an OpenLayers.Style.

I'm using it for a proportional symbol analysis, with a featureStyle  
featuring a context radius for the features, and the radius is  
function of the zoom level.

   function featureStyle() {
styleCircle = new OpenLayers.Style(
                         fillOpacity: 0.7,
                         pointRadius: "${radius}",
                         strokeColor: "#fae318",
      strokeWidth: 1,
      fillColor:   "${couleur}"
                         context: {
                             radius: function(feature) {
                                 surf = surf* Math.pow(2,map.getZoom()-4)
                                 return surf;
     couleur: function(feature) {
var maxV = 10;
var comp = Math.round(feature.attributes.count*255/maxV);
return "#"+RGBtoHex(comp,255-comp,0);
                         } // End of obj context
                 ); // End of obj OpenLayers.Style
                 styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({'default':styleCircle});
return styleMap;

   (Code inspired by examples on http://www.geotribu.net/)

   Hope this helps :)


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