[OpenLayers-Users] After a addFeatures() the feature are not displayed

Arnaud Vandecasteele arnaud.sig at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 14:23:12 EDT 2009

Hi all,

It's been a couple of day that I'm trying to understand why after a
addFeature method on my vector layer the feature are not displayed even if I
do a redraw of the layer.
But after a pan or zoom on the map the feature appear.
Do you know where I've made a mistake?

Best regards


Van De Casteele Arnaud
72 Rue de la colline des camélias 97400 Saint-Denis
0262 30 67 79 - 0692 76 24 48
SIG - WebMapping - GPS embarqué
Site internet : http://geotribu.net/
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