July 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jul 1 00:35:21 EDT 2009
Ending: Fri Jul 31 18:37:02 EDT 2009
Messages: 456
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Call function before control activate
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't transform lat/long to a projection
- [OpenLayers-Users] Canceling a currently loading WMS layer
Tom B
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change filter on vector layer
Lak Krishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] constant grid for tiled mapserver layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Different geometry type in same kml
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
- [OpenLayers-Users] Flickering while updating overlay
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] FrameCloud GetFeatureInfo pupup issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] Invisible ZoomBox
- [OpenLayers-Users] keepInMap property for Marker Popups?
- [OpenLayers-Users] mr. OL, don't create the hidden layer tiles,
Pere Roca Ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] OL on Blackerry?
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers 2.8 removeControl
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.loadURL not working
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Pass layers array to php with json
- [OpenLayers-Users] please some hints for very low bandwith
Pere Roca Ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem calling layer from WMS
Camilo Vargas
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with geometry in OL
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Camilo Vargas
- [OpenLayers-Users] Re KML files over maps in EPSG:27700
Robin Gawlik
- [OpenLayers-Users] StyleMap issue when modifying feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] Swipe
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unselecting multiple features
Florian Diederichs
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS problems with IE 6 & 7
Lak Krishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS server response OK, but not appearing
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMSGetFeatureInfo - page not found-message
Per S
- [OpenLayers-Users] #879: Zoom Box Offset on Specific Map
Darren Karstens
- [OpenLayers-Users] $20 via Paypal up for grabs
- [OpenLayers-Users] $20 via Paypal up for grabs
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] $20 via Paypal up for grabs
- [OpenLayers-Users] [asufsc@gmail.com: About OpenLayers]
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Access to Australian data for testing
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding markers
- [OpenLayers-Users] After a addFeatures() the feature are not
Arnaud Vandecasteele
- [OpenLayers-Users] Another Cursored Question
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Another Cursored Question
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] API doc
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not
work in firefox
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not
work in firefox
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not
work in firefox
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not
work in firefox
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not
work in firefox
- [OpenLayers-Users] autosizing popup containing image does not work
in firefox
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to read/parse kml
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to read/parse kml
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to read/parse kml
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to read/parse kml
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to read/parse kml
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints & vectors to openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] boundedBy undefined with GML with defined
- [OpenLayers-Users] boundedBy undefined with GML with defined
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] bug in Vector.getDataExtent ?
Christoph Ratke
- [OpenLayers-Users] bug in Vector.getDataExtent ?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't get OpenLayers to Co-operate with
TileCache resolutions
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't get OpenLayers to Co-operate with
TileCache resolutions
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't get OpenLayers to Co-operate with
TileCache resolutions
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't transform lat/long to a projection
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't transform lat/long to a projection
- [OpenLayers-Users] Canceling a currently loading WMS layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Canceling a currently loading WMS layer
Tom B
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capture MARKERS into image file
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change filter on vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change filter on vector layer
Lak Krishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change filter on vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change filter on vector layer
Lak Krishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Click event for multiple GML layers (Getting
only topmost layer click event)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Click event for multiple GML layers (Getting
only topmost layer click event)
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Click event for multiple GML layers (Getting
only topmost layer click event)
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] constant grid for tiled mapserver layer
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] control.activate()
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] control.activate()
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] CQL queries with WFS
Per Engström
- [OpenLayers-Users] CQL queries with WFS
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] CQL queries with WFS
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cross-site with OpenLayers
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cross-site with OpenLayers
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cross-site with OpenLayers
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Curious Problem with TMS on an HTTPS site
calling to HTTP for TileCache and IE8
Nathan Gerber
- [OpenLayers-Users] Curious Problem with TMS on an HTTPS site
calling to HTTP for TileCache and IE8
Nathan Gerber
- [OpenLayers-Users] Customize controls
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] Customize controls
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] Default 'delete' style
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Default 'delete' style
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Default 'delete' style
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Different geometry type in same kml
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Different geometry type in same kml
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Disable Zoom wheel
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Disable Zoom wheel
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Disable Zoom wheel
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Display popup for GeoRSS markers
Axel Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying "Loading..." message while
browser downloads tiled images?
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying "Loading..." message while browser
downloads tiled images?
jim.meyer at concept-solutions.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying layers depending on the zoom
Arthur Delorme
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying layers depending on the zoom
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Drag panning on vector layers
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Drag panning on vector layers
Ivan Grcic
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dragable markers
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
- [OpenLayers-Users] Dynamic display line follow line route
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
Shawn Oatley
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error displaying map in IE8 - VML.js
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Events on text labels
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Flickering while updating overlay
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Forcing a redraw of a Vector Layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Format WMSGetFeatureInfo response
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Format WMSGetFeatureInfo response
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Format WMSGetFeatureInfo response
Max Stephan
- [OpenLayers-Users] FW: getFeatureInfo projection
Alexandre.Laplante at statcan.gc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoReport for SpagoBI 2.2 has been released!
Fabio D'Ovidio
- [OpenLayers-Users] georss not projecting
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get feature name from GML
Anthony Masinton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get feature name from GML
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get LonLat of Draggable Marker
Kelvin Nicholson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get LonLat of Draggable Marker
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get LonLat of Draggable Marker
Kelvin Nicholson
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetCapabilities
Raul David Orozco
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetCapabilities
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetCapabilities
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo after displaying other layer
Astrid Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo in OpenLayers with no proxy?
Alexandre Leroux
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo in OpenLayers with no proxy?
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo in OpenLayers with no proxy?
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo projection
Alexandre.Laplante at statcan.gc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo projection
Alexandre.Laplante at statcan.gc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo projection
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo projection
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] GISVM Server pre-release available
Ricardo Pinho
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Maps map does not reflect zoom level
Axel Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Maps map does not reflect zoom level
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Maps map does not reflect zoom level
Axel Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Maps map does not reflect zoom level
Axel Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] GPL Custom Controls Designs
Alan Palazzolo
- [OpenLayers-Users] help with markers
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] help with markers
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] help with vector(circle)
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] help with vector(circle)
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] help with vector(circle)
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hide/Show Individual Features Within a Layer
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hide/Show Individual Features Within a Layer ?
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] Highlighting one shape in a shapefile
Tamlyn Rhodes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Highlighting one shape in a shapefile
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Highlighting one shape in a shapefile
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hoe to set aerial layer and OpenStreemMaps ?
Neil Sonaron
- [OpenLayers-Users] how can i change icon control of panel zoom?
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] how can i change icon control of panel zoom?
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] how can i change icon control of panel zoom?
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] how can i change icon control of panel zoom?
Valeria Muñoz
- [OpenLayers-Users] how can i change icon control of panel zoom?
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] How Obtain image png for use un geoserver and
- [OpenLayers-Users] how obtein jpg georeferencing image for geoserver
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
Barker, Doug
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
Barker, Doug
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to have overlays off by default
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] How turn on/off layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS and browser cache
David R Robison
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a better way to use a StyleMap than
David Martin
- [OpenLayers-Users] issue with DOCTYPEs .
Sanjay Bhangar
- [OpenLayers-Users] issue with DOCTYPEs .
- [OpenLayers-Users] JS code in external script
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] JS code in external script
Shawn Oatley
- [OpenLayers-Users] JS code in external script
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML with different icons for different zoom
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] LayerSwitcher outside the map
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] LayerSwitcher outside the map
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] left click handler at OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Links from GPX tracks
James Davis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Links from GPX tracks
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] loadend not called for Vector layer
Trevor Quinn
- [OpenLayers-Users] loadend not called for Vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] map centers correctly when not in lightbox.
Eric Mckenna
- [OpenLayers-Users] map centers correctly when not in lightbox.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map Image Layer
Anthony Masinton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map Image Layer
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map Image Layer
Anthony Masinton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map with no osm (or google, yahoo etc) layer
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map with no osm (or google, yahoo etc) layer
Francois Van Der Biest
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers change position after zooming
Vitor Isaia
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse events on tiles
tim robertson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom generates lots of server
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom generates lots of server
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom generates lots of server
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom generates lots of server
Richard Greenwood
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse Wheel Zoom Problem on Layer Switching
with EditingToolbar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse Wheel Zoom Problem on Layer Switching with
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouseclick position in IE6
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouseclick position in IE6
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] mr. OL, don't create the hidden layer tiles,
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] mr. OL, don't create the hidden layer tiles,
Pere Roca Ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] multi layer SelectFeature Issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] multi layer SelectFeature Issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] multi layer SelectFeature Issue
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] New NWS proposed radar map
Greg Troxel
- [OpenLayers-Users] new version of OL/OSM and wrapDateLine problems
Jeffrey X. Pinyan
- [OpenLayers-Users] not all clicks registered
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open in a div, not popup
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers 2.8 removeControl
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers 2.8 removeControl
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers compatible mapping of Southern
Adam Fowler
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers compatible mapping of Southern
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Map for Whitehouse.gov and
America.gov: Performance Suggestions
Darren Krape
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers website
Marcos Nogueira
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Handler.Box
莹莹 李
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Handler.Box
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.loadURL not working
Till Adams
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.loadURL not working
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] OS python utility script to generate
OpenLayers buttons in different colors
Walter Lorenzetti
- [OpenLayers-Users] OS python utility script to generate OpenLayers
buttons in different colors
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] other images for zoom buttons
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] other images for zoom buttons
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding overlay select to force a reload
of the toggled layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding overlay select to force a reload
of the toggled layer
Jay Douillard
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding overlay select to force a reload
of the toggled layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding overlay select to force a reload of
the toggled layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overriding url for Vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] overviewmap problem
Xiaodong Song
- [OpenLayers-Users] overviewmap problem
Tim Schaub
- [OpenLayers-Users] Pass layers array to php with json
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Permalink CSS
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Permalink CSS
Marc Faulise
- [OpenLayers-Users] please some hints for very low bandwith
Ivan Grcic
- [OpenLayers-Users] Plotting a KML layer in a map that uses a
different projection
Richard Marsden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Plotting a KML layer in a map that uses a
different projection
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Plotting a KML layer in a map that uses a
different projection
Richard Marsden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup in Openlayers (How to fix the popup?)
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Priority for marker
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Priority for marker
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem adding layers
Raul David Orozco
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem adding layers
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem adding layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem calling layer from WMS
Camilo Vargas
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem to send kml file to server,
using OpenLayers.Request.POST
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem to send kml file to server,
using OpenLayers.Request.POST
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem w/ WMS Layer using wrapDateLine and
displaying a feature which crosses the dateline
John Cartwright
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem w/ WMS Layer using wrapDateLine and
displaying a feature which crosses the dateline
John Cartwright
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem w/ WMS Layer using wrapDateLine and
displaying a feature which crosses the dateline
Matthew Doyle
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with geometry in OL
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with geometry in OL
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with geometry in OL
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem with map.setCenter and zoom
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple styles in KML file
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with VE Layer
Patrick Weber
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems implementing WFS
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems implementing WFS
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems implementing WFS
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems implementing WFS
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems implementing WFS
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems upgrading between 2.7 and 2.8...
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with Tile.Image and destroy
Gerhard Dünnebeil
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with Tile.Image and destroy
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Trond Michelsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS server
Trond Michelsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] question about the measure control
Aaron_Gundel at sjwater.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] question about the measure control
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] question about the measure control
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question on the TYPE_BUTTON Control
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question on the TYPE_BUTTON Control
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] RE Priority for marker
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] RE Read csv file
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] Re KML files over maps in EPSG:27700
Robin Gawlik
- [OpenLayers-Users] Read csv file
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] REPEAT QUESTION - How do I prevent my map
from zooming out too far?
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] REPEAT QUESTION - How do I prevent my map
from zooming out too far?
jim.meyer at concept-solutions.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] REPEAT QUESTION - How do I prevent my map
from zooming out too far?
jim.meyer at concept-solutions.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] REPEAT QUESTION - How do I prevent my map
from zooming out too far?
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] REPEAT QUESTION - How do I prevent my map from
zooming out too far?
jim.meyer at concept-solutions.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Restore feature's geometry
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Samples using new ArcGIS JavaScript API in
João Domingues
- [OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shadow for icons
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shadow for icons
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shadow for icons
Admin TrouveTonGull.info
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shifting markers and vectors in IE6 after pan
Craig McIlwee
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shifting markers and vectors in IE6 after pan
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Shifting markers and vectors in IE6 after pan
Craig McIlwee
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question
to OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question
to OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question
to OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question
to OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question
to OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Some question to
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] speed up load tiles
Ivan Carreira
- [OpenLayers-Users] speed up load tiles
Ivan Grcic
- [OpenLayers-Users] speed up load tiles
Ivan Carreira
- [OpenLayers-Users] Styling a point that is made up of multiple
Dave Winfield
- [OpenLayers-Users] Styling a point that is made up of multiple
Dave Winfield
- [OpenLayers-Users] Styling a point that is made up of multiple
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Styling a point that is made up of multiple
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Support for Cursors?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Swipe
Alexander Petkov
- [OpenLayers-Users] Swipe
florent.gravin at bluecham.net
- [OpenLayers-Users] Swipe
Alexander Petkov
- [OpenLayers-Users] Swipe
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tile Layers with arbitrary projections?
Richard Marsden
- [OpenLayers-Users] transitionEffect bug?
Andrea Di Nora
- [OpenLayers-Users] transitionEffect bug?
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] transitionEffect bug?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Trouble with an example of openlayers!!!
Raul David Orozco
- [OpenLayers-Users] Trouble with an example of openlayers!!!
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Paul james
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Paul james
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Paul james
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Paul james
- [OpenLayers-Users] TURN On layers Individually...
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unselecting multiple features
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unselecting multiple features
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unselecting multiple features
Florian Diederichs
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unselecting multiple features
Ivan Grcic
- [OpenLayers-Users] URL too long for IE mergeNewParams &
MapServer replacement variable
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] URL too long for IE mergeNewParams &
MapServer replacement variable
karsten vennemann
- [OpenLayers-Users] URL too long for IE mergeNewParams &
MapServer replacement variable
David Fawcett
- [OpenLayers-Users] URL too long for IE mergeNewParams & MapServer
replacement variable
karsten vennemann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using a select box for the layerswitcher
Jay Douillard
- [OpenLayers-Users] using Base64 image layers
wrap map
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector Filters
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector Filters
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer popup doesn't close after layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer popup doesn't close after layer
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer with dinamic data
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Matthew Doyle
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Matthew Doyle
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Matthew Doyle
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS layer, markers and popups
Marcos Nogueira
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS selection layer deformed
Peter Becker
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS selection layer deformed
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS selection layer deformed
Peter Becker
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs update
Gabriel Nolasco
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs update
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs update
Gabriel Nolasco
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS services
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMSGetFeatureInfo - page not found-message
Brent Pedersen
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMSGetFeatureInfo - page not found-message
Per S
- [OpenLayers-Users] World Wind tiles of GeoCover 2000 - not success
- [OpenLayers-Users] Wrong pop-up position (falling off the map)
Emmanuele Sordini
- [OpenLayers-Users] Wrong pop-up position (falling off the map)
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Wrong pop-up position (falling off the map)
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Wrong pop-up position (falling off the map)
Emmanuele Sordini
- [OpenLayers-Users] Z-ordering of geometries within a collection.
Tom Chase
- [OpenLayers-Users] Z-ordering of geometries within a collection.
Vivien Deparday
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomBox Pan in two Mapdivs at the same time
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomBox Pan in two Mapdivs at the same time
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomBox Pan in two Mapdivs at the same time
Alexandre Dube
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 18:37:02 EDT 2009
Archived on: Wed Sep 1 17:20:04 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).